RaiseRight (formally Scrip)

RaiseRight Program Q&A:

Q:  What is RaiseRight? 

A: RaiseRight is fundraising while you pay for goods and services you use every day. The program allows you to purchase gift cards for retailers, restaurants, and services, and a portion of the card value is provided to Christ Lutheran in the form of a rebate. The gift card vendor chooses the percentage of the rebate, so it varies.

Q:  How do I start?

A: Contact the Church or School office for our unique enrollment code. Enter this code at www.raiseright.com/enroll > Join a Program. If you would like to designate your rebates to a specific tuition account or tuition assistance, please fill out the designation form. Otherwise, all rebates will support the General Fund All Other.

Q:  What is the timeline for ordering and delivery of the cards?  

A: The deadline for physical card orders and payments is noon on Mondays. If your order arrives after the deadline, it will be submitted on the next ordering date. If you have chosen to pick up your cards, you will receive an e-mail upon their arrival, which is typically the following Wednesday. All ecards and reload orders can be used from your mobile device online or in stores.

Q:  How will the fundraising/rebate be used at Christ Lutheran?

A:  The rebate options include Christ Lutheran Church General Fund, Christ Lutheran School Tuition Assistance and Specific Student Tuition.

Q: How will this affect my monthly payment if I choose a % to be applied to tuition?     

A:  Your monthly payments are established in May and will be in effect May through April. At the end of April, all rebates accrued will be applied to your tuition account and you will be notified of your balance. RaiseRight agreement form

Link to shop online where many more vendors are available:   RaiseRight.com (formally Scrip)